Spray Roses vs Roses
A single-headed Rose is called Rose, and a multi-headed Rose is called as Spray Roses.
Colors and Usages of Spray Roses
The color of Spray Roses is very changeable, and there are many varieties. The common colors such as red/ orange/ yellow/ green/ purple/ pink/ white are all can easily to be found. In addition to mono-color tone, there are also bi-color, patterned, and garden roses shaped Spray Roses. Spray Roses that look like garden roses are called Bubble Roses on the market as they look like multiple bubbles. Spray Roses with variety colors are highly recommended for use as secondary color filler flowers in creation.
Care of Spray Roses
When maintaining Spray Roses, more water is required, and the flower feet should be cut diagonally to increase the rate of water absorption. In addition, when handlingof it, be careful of the barbs on the stem and/or on the back of the leaves.
For Spray Roses Products:
Spray Roses – Quadruple Flower | Flower Bouquets & Preserved Flowers | Hong Kong Flower Shop