Monstera, also known as Swiss-Cheese Plant / Window Plant, the leaves of Monstera are heart-shaped grow with irregular splits and cracks, and the appearance is like a turtle, hence the name is Turtle-Leaf in chinese. In addition, in foreign countries, Monstera will be called Swiss-Cheese Plant / Window Plant as it like cheese with holes in them.
Monstera is a plant of the genus Monstera, and Monstera has a weird meaning in Latin, which is more or less related to the shape of the Monstera. The flowers of Monstera are fleshy spikes wrapped in white spathes. The fleshy spikes are like corn or larger. The whole flower head is like a huge Anthurium, which looks a little weird. But the mature Monstera fruit is edible, so it also has another name called Penglai Banana.
As for the reason why it is also called Telecom Lan in Taiwan, because Monstera is a liana, it will climb up walls or trees and grow upward, and its aerial roots can extend as long as a wire, so Taiwanese call it it Telecom Lan.
Returning to the leaf itself, the Monstera surface is smooth and oily, the color is dark green and shiny, and the leaf shape is unique, so it often appears in various types of floral creations. Like other leaf materials, the Monstera have a very long viewing period, and normal water volume is sufficient for maintenance.